More details about the name “Vanessa”
Greek girl names like Vanessa were created by Jonathan Swift in the 18th century as a tribute to his close friend Esther Vanhomrigh. This name is thought to combine the elements Van which means star in Persian. It can be interpreted to mean butterfly. This name is also symbolized by the butterfly genus named Vanessa.
It gained popularity in the English-speaking world during the 20th century. This name was particularly popular in the U.S. in the 1970s and 1980s. It is associated with elegance, beauty and transformation due to its connection to both stars and butterflies.
With its pleasant and modern quality remains a popular name producing charm and culture. It generally ranks in the 200-300 range for baby girl names but it still has a place in the top 500. For those interested in girl names that start with V offer a wide variety of beautiful and meaningful options.
Source: Social Security Administration, Girl Names Data